Seeking Our Inner Being Group Discussion in Italian, Ep. 1
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Organizzazione da una Prospettiva Psichica*
È possibile collaborare da una Dimensione Spirituale?
Possiamo sostituire l'ego con il nostro Essere Interiore e condividere in modo diverso?
Se desideri partecipare al progetto "InnerBeing", per favore:
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*Per "Psichica", si fa riferimento agli insegnamenti di Sri Aurobindo e della Madre
Organisation from a Psychic* Perspective
Is it possible to collaborate from a Spiritual Dimension?
Can we replace the ego with our Inner Being and share differently?
If you wish to participate in the "InnerBeing" project, please contact us:
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Thank you for your support!
Please note that in this podcast is an English translation of the French recording, the voices are Computer generated. Please, bear with the quality and the speed.
*For Psychic, Kindly refer to the teachings of Sri Aurobindo and Mother