Seeking Our Inner Being S.1, Ep.10


In June 1970, Mother wrote the foundations of how to live both in the world and for the Divine simultaneously in “How to Be a True Aurovillian”:

“The first necessity is the inner discovery in order to know what one truly is behind social, moral, cultural, racial and hereditary appearances. At the centre there is a being free, vast and knowing, who awaits our discovery and who ought to become the active centre of our being and our life in Auroville.”

This ongoing series of interviews aims to explore the individual adventures and experiences of seeking one’s Inner/ Psychic Being, as shared by Aurovilians and others intimately familiar with the revelations of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. How does one’s quest for the Inner Being that is “free, vast and knowing” begin, how does the discovery unfold, and how does it shape our interactions and behaviours in the world?

Our invitation to participants is to be as honest and led from the heart as possible and to avoid quotes and lectures; rather to share from their own unique experiential journey. We hope through these examples of lived experience to show that our Inner Being is not an out-of-reach abstraction, but is actually very concrete and knowable. And we hope they inspire you, our listeners, to consider and reflect on your own journey.

In this ninth session, we have invited Tensy to share with us:

"Being part of the worldwide fraternity, Auroville is not exempted from fast-unfolding global changing events and its often-unexpected consequences.

By Grace, there are forerunners who accept the offered help and support from the Wonder-worker’s hidden hand. The tribe of enablers of the truth that saves rather than the truth that hurts and slays, guardians and carriers of the never-dying Fire, dreamers of the sunlit ways for the dawning of a new age, surely to come.

'And never can the mystic voyage cease

While the unseen is found, the impossible done.'"

If you would like to get involved in this project, interact with us in any way, or you are interested in helping us financially, please email us at


Listen to full episode :


LA VITA DIVINA Ep. 43 - LIBRO II - CAP. V PARTE I - L'Illusione cosmica; Mente, Sogno e Allucinazione


Soul Tracks S.5, Ep.21